Rancid Woon Republican National Convention Coons

The Rancid Woon Republican National Convention Coons
Check out The Rancid Woon Republican National Convention Coons. Yes! It talks about Sheriff David A Clark. Yes! It also talks about Colorado GOP Senate nominee Darryl Glenn.
We want to be clear that we are in no way saying that being a republican is equal to being a coon. That thought process is also coonish and that is why Black Americans are stuck with the democratic party who consistently works against the interest of Black Americans.
With that said, The “Black” White Supremacist, David A Clark is among the worst of the worst. Of course, he is regular here at CoonWatch, but his performance at the RNC was downright vicious. So much so, he went on the record to fire up the crowd about one of the officers being exonerated in the Freddie Gray case. We also have to provide an honorable mention to Darryl Glenn. He laid out all of White Supremacist talking points, such as: All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Fathers need to be in the home, Chicago and I have a tan.
NOTE: This is NOT an endorsement of the Democrats. We only endorse the NO-VOTE!
Check out the Rancid Woon – Republican National Convention Coons