Black Effeminates

Black Effeminates
So what are black effeminates? Effeminacy is the manifestation of traits in a human boy or man that are more often associated with feminine nature, behavior, mannerisms, style or gender roles rather than with masculine nature, behavior, mannerisms, style or roles. Now lets compare Black Effeminates to the historical eunuchs.
Many eunuchs were African slaves who were caught, groomed and effeminized by wearing feminine clothes, make-up, perfume and jewelry in order to make them reliable servants of the royal court…without the sexual threat of taking the King’s women. The role of the castrated African man was not just to keep other men at bay, but to make the King’s bed, bathe him, dress him and cut his hair. In short, the black man’s role was to be but a lowly servant to protect the interest of the white supremacist.
Today, in modern times black man effeminates are no more than eunuchs.
- To be as non-threatening as possible to the system of racism
- To protect the interest of white supremacy
Pulled from Kevins Cranium and Pan African Alliance
See Black Effeminates