Buckaroos – A Bedbuck Parody

Buckaroos – A Bedbuck Parody
Buckaroos – A Bedbuck Parody Song is a parody of the swirling movement and poking fun at it by claiming black men are caught in all types of white love situations..
For the REAL DEAL on the Bedbuck and Bedwenching See the Bedwench Love Stories Part 1: The Predetermined Agenda: YOUTUBE CHANNEL BANNED AT THIS TIME (https://youtu.be/x67vWVJHZrE.) See this video on Bitchute at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ujkOPSdfgjZh/
See the blog post at: Bedwench Love Stories Part 1: The Predetermined Agenda
For additional details on our description of a bedbuck, please refer to the following link: https://coonwatch.com/cooning-description/
Bedbucks or Black Bucks
See All Listed Black Bucks and Hoochies
The “Black Buck” also know as the bedbuck was a black man (usually muscular or tall) who defies white will and is largely destructive to White America. He is usually hot-tempered, animalistic, excessively violent, unintelligent, and cannot control his desire for white flesh. Most often, any attempt to restrain, reprimand, or re-educate the individual will fail, necessitating the individual’s immediate execution (usually by lynching).
Black Bucks or Bedbucks primary purpose in White America is to:
- Justify the indirect and direct murder of black men
- Justify the genocide of the black family
As a CoonWatch Cooning Description go – this one is sometimes mis-categorized as young males just having a good time. However, within the black community and the “baby mama” badge of honor… It leads to fatherless homes by ignorant young men.
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