Cooning DA Ken Thompson Recommends No Jail Time

Cooning DA Ken Thompson Recommends No Jail Time
Cooning DA Ken Thompson Recommends No Jail Time and thereby selling out the black community, he stated “incarceration is not necessary and a prison sentence is not warranted.”
“District Attorney Ken Thompson Betrayed The Black Community!
Who got to Brooklyn, District Attorney Ken Thompson? How can he legally justify not recommending one day in prison for former NYPD Office Peter Liang, who recklessly took the life of an innocent Akai Gurley, who was unarmed and not committing any crime? This officer was indicted and convicted for manslaughter in the second degree. That crime carries up to fifteen years in prison. For DA Ken Thompson to only reccommend five years probation, six months house detention and community service for an officer who recklessly to the life of Akai Gurley and negligently refused to help save his life, tells me even with a Black District Attorney, Black lives do not matter to this system.
This is why we need an independent prosecutor that is not part of the system. This sends a signal across theh nation, that police officers can kill black people with impunity without ever worrying about spending one day in prison.
This is why I continue to say; when peaceful means for injustice are ignored, violence is inevitable! Don’t blame me the social-forecaster for predicting a social uprising when this system refuses to value black lives and refuses to send police officers to prison that abuse the use of deadly force. My condolences and support continues to go out to the family.”
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