Darnell Earley Cooning Flint Michigan

Darnell Earley Cooning Flint Michigan
Most people don’t know who Darnell Earley is but I’m certain that they know his work. Darnell Earley is the Emergency City Manager that was put in place by Governor Rick Snyder to run the city of Flint. There’s really not much else to say about this son of a bitch ass coon. He played a major part in poisoning the drinking water of an entire city full of lower middle class, poor black, brown and white people. He was then promoted to head the Detroit Public Schools to put the final nails on that coffin before his previous dastardly deeds came back to haunt him and he was forced to resign due to the mess that he co-created in Flint. He was essentially a black face hired to push a white supremacist agenda and he did a stellar job at it. So there we have it… Darnell Earley Cooning Flint Michigan for his boss.
While Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder should be arrested. We have to go further and highlight the coons such as Darnell Earley that make this system of white supremacy so successful. More at: The Root