Diamond Silk Cooning for Trump

Diamond Silk Cooning for Trump
Diamond Silk Cooning for Trump as he makes his bid for president. Now these two coonettes were plucked from under the same rock of obscurity that the rest of Donald Trumps dangerously uneducated following crawled from under. The two of these women together can be described as nothing short of a minstrel act. The kind of cooning that they have on display would normally grant them a higher ranking but as I said earlier–2015 was quite the coontastic year and these birds have little to no influence on even the most guile among us so all this performance really amounts to is a modern day Amos and Andy skit.
Two extra mediocre ghetto birds with lace front weaves endorsing Donald Trump and his Mein Kampf style of politics amounts to being just a misdemeanor in comparison to the Trump endorsements coondorsements to follow…
Article above from The Angry Black Rant