Jerry Rice Taste Mask and Cooning for Popeyes

Jerry Rice Taste Mask Cooning for Popeyes by Kushite Prince
Here we go again. This time we have Jerry Rice Taste Mask Cooning for Popeyes. See the following excerpt from Kushite Prince.
I used to love watching NFL player Jerry Rice. He was an amazing player for the San Francisco 49ers. He was the type of player I knew would automatically go into the NFL Hall of Fame. I honestly don’t expect much from many athletes today.But like a lot of black athletes he has no racial pride. But this man has took coonery and buffoonery to new heights. Have any of you seen his commercial for Popeye’s Chicken? This was so damn pathetic! I was in total shock that a black man would do a commercial like this! A taste mask??? Is this Negro serious?? Really, Jerry Rice in a taste mask?
Jerry Rice has no dignity at all. And if he did it is long gone. Any black man with self respect would never buck dance for fried chicken and biscuits. You are a pathetic fool Jerry! I will never support anything you do. You deserve to go into the Buffoonery Hall of Fame for this foolishness.
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