Lil Wayne Cooning Emmett Till

Lil Wayne Cooning Emmett Till
There is almost nothing about Lil Wayne that doesn’t represent cooning! But Lil Wayne Cooning Emmett Till epitomizes the word Coon, from his dress to his looks to his stand on any and all black issues (lone exception Katrina). But when he raps
gonna “pop a pill” then “beat that p*ssy like Emmett Till
he took it to a new low.
For those of us who aren’t familiar with the legacy of Emmett Till (apparently, Lil Wayne already is), Till was a 15-year old boy who was beaten beyond recognition and murdered for whistling at a white woman. Till’s mother, Mamie Till Mobley, made the courageous decision to insist that her son be buried with an open casket so that the country could see how ugly the brutality of racial violence can become. Mamie’s sacrifice sparked international outrage and served as part of the fuel which created the foundation for the civil rights movement.
This is sad.