Michael Jordan Cooning Away His Silence

Michael Jordan Cooning Away His Silence
Michael Jordan Cooning Away His Silence, I mean finally speaking out? I guess it’s time to say something now that school is starting back up and he needs to make sure that his sneaker sales take off. We need to boycott this #Coon. #StopCooning MJ. #coonwatch. Too late for that.
How uncaring do you have to be to give money to the White Run NAACP and the Police Sheriffs and call yourself helping black people?
How uncaring do you have to be to casually mention what is happening to blacks in this country?
But then again the Basketball GOAT is also a bitch. I’m still rooting for LeBron to take the GOAT title, but then again, LeBron is NOT hateful enough to become the GOAT.