Omarosa Cooning

Omarosa Cooning
The headline read 100 Black Ministers for Trump. Then it said 100 Black Ministers to meet with Donald Trump. Then it said some Black Ministers won’t be meeting with Trump because of backlash. When I saw the initial headline I was surprised but then I wasn’t. Mega Church preachers often walk around with their hands out looking for more cash to put into that new church building fund. So I’m sure when Trump sent word out he needed some Black faces to surround him in an attempt to prove he wasn’t a racist,. The Preacher Pimps ran to New York hoping to cash in on their endorsement. One of the Ministers backing Trump is none other than “Apprentice” winner Omarosa. Omarosa Cooning? No surprise… and That’s right, evil Omarosa is a preacher at the Weller Street Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles. Why would anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus, allow themselves to be associated with a man who attacks Mexican Immigrants, Muslims and people with physical disabilities? Oh yeah it’s about the cash.
Rev. Omarosa Manigault formerly of the apprentice was the actual ring leader of the Black Preachers for Trump Coon Brigade. She’s higher on the list and singled out because in addition to being an ordained minister she’s a very accomplished woman and has enough merit and stripes that such cooning on her part for Donald Trump is wholly unnecessary. Her literally whoring for one of the most overtly racist men to run for president since Barry Goldwater should forever relegate her to being nothing more than a coon, bed wench, mammy (insert Uncle Tom pejorative of choice).
i saw her on the apprentice. terrible person.