Pharrell Cooning – Oprah the New Black

Pharrell Cooning – the Oprah New Black
I was flipping through the stations the other day and saw Pharrell cooning… oops I’m mean crying with Oprah, but didn’t stop to watch the entire interview or what was left of it…I have my human limitations…This is just more proof that nothing good can EVER come from being interviewed by Oprah…
It is also further proof concerning what I said about what I or anyone else must become to move up the corporate ladder…and this isn’t a new phenomenon …this is no different than a Booker T. Washington and his Atlanta Compromise being entryway into becoming the first Negro to sleep in the White House or Dr. Ralph Bunche becoming a U.N. official and helping to assassinate Patrice Lumumba. Or Colin Powell becoming Joint Chief of Staff and listing every conservative white male leader from the 1960s to the 1980s as being his idols and also calling the Buffalo Soldiers, the group of Negro soldiers who went off into the Great Plains to k?ll natives for a pat on the head from the white establishment, the wind beneath his wings. If a system based upon white supremacy is going to let a Negro be successful in any way, they best align themselves with the continuance of white supremacy.
Now, this Negro Pharrell is just a songwriter. The only resource he has is the ability to write a song with a catchy phrase that mainstream world likes to listen to, and this ability has provided him a certain wealth and standard of living which enables him to be “worthy” of being interviewed by Oprah, but his wealth is totally dependent on POPULARITY…Bill Gates? As long as they are churning out Windows operating systems on pcs, he isn’t going anywhere…the Rockefellers? As long as we have the current banking system, this family will be secure in the future, just off name recognition alone. Even the Hiltons, for all the current idiocy of the daughters, have wealth concentrated in their hands because they own choice real estate and provide a service to the wealthy. All these people make money because they own actual, tangible property or some type of ‘means of production’ (to steal a phrase from Marx) which sustains them whether they are popular or not.
Pharrell isn’t RCA, CBS or Warner Bros. Any recording company he has is just the incorporation of his name and a couple of artists he might find along the way of his career. All it will take for Pharrell to come back to Earth is a sudden case of writer’s block or some new up and coming songwriter who speaks to the youth better than him that supplants him.
But in order to stay in that ‘deluxe apartment in the sky’ for however long he is ALLOWED to be there, Pharrell and anyone else MUST say these things. A couple of years ago, the hot Negro saying this kind of stuff was from ‘the Black Eyed Peas’. Once a Negro of some popularity has a little cache with the white mainstream, almost always through entertainment (athletics, singing, dance or acting), they stick a microphone in front of him and I don’t give a f?ck in what kind of downtrodden existence this mfer may have come from, they ALWAYS say silly sh?t like this to make white people love them and take the onus off the individual, systemic and institutional racism which has served them well for hundreds of years now…bullsh?t like this allows the average white person to say “N?ggers need to get their sh?t together and stop blaming white people for their problems, like Pharrell is saying…and I can’t be racist for feeling the same way because Pharrell said it…also, I like Pharrell so how I can like him and still be racist?…anyone who says that I am racist is a ‘reverse racist’ (the new term du jour for white people nowadays)”…
And if you took any Negro entertainer of some prominence and put them in that seat, the same f?cking words would be coming out of their mouths…or do you think Oprah has been going strong with white, middle class women for 30 years because of her ‘winning personality’. This is the same f?cking woman who said that she couldn’t understand the anger of the Black Panther Party back in the 1960s. Once again, something the white masses LOVE to hear…and in that same vein, no matter how much ‘Happy’ is a nice song, Pharrell isn’t getting the CHANCE to write an Oscar nominated song like that for a mainstream (white) FRANCHISE movie without saying stuff like this…
What did Will Smith and Jamie Foxx say after Barry got elected in 2008? Those mfers said we don’t have ANYMORE excuses….like black folks have just been making up sh?t to point to as far as our oppression and it has all only resided in our minds…F?ck them and f?ck Pharrell.
Well, maybe Pharrell is thinking about going into politics…With inane rhetoric like this I am sure he will have no problem getting into the White House like Barry, since he made the blueprint for all other Negroes that follow him…no easier path to getting into the good graces of white people, liberal or conservative, than throwing black people under the bus…Worked for Booker T. Washington a hundred years ago and ‘successful’ Negroes are doing it today…Just showing that the more things change, the more they stay the same…
What if the guy is saying the things that he is saying not to “appease to white people” but because he actually feels that way on his own accord — despite what “they” think? Does that change your viewpoint? Or is it still the same?
Then it’s worst.