Raven Symone Cooning Black Student In Columbia SC

Raven Symone Cooning Black Student In Columbia SC
Raven Symone Cooning Black Student, has lived up to expectations as the Mouth Piece for White Supremacists. At Coon Watch she is most certainly a member of the coon hall of fame. Most recently, she criticized the black student dragged out of a classroom by a white sheriff’s deputy in Columbia, S.C.
“You’ve got to follow the rules in school,” Symoné said. Later, she appeared to take a few steps back from that statement, saying: “There’s an issue with police officers in predominantly minority type of schools taking kids for disorderly conduct right to prison. … That is a problem.”
But the remark was noted — and, indeed, helped inspire an online petition that calls for ABC to remove Symoné from “The View.” Days after it was posted, the petition has garnered more than 128,000 signatures.
“Raven Symoné has been spouting her ignorant and self hating spiel on the view for Long [sic] enough, from stating that she wouldn’t hire somebody for having a ghetto name, to openly complaining about reverse racism,” the petition read. “… African Americans and black people around the diaspora need a voice representative of their views and not a voice representative of what white people want us to say. We need strong black role models in prominent positions on television … Raven Symoné cannot provide that.”
The petition was posted by Che Scott-Heron, who said she is the daughter of performer Gil Scott-Heron — the iconic, politically minded black performance artist and author of, among many other works, the “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”
Raven Symone as with all of these coons, represent the racist element of the United States. Her firing “Will Not Be Televised!”
We have to boycott organizations that prop up these dangerous enemies of the “black” (not to be confused with minority) race.