Nene Leaks Cooning Housewife of Atlanta

Nene Leaks Cooning Housewife of Atlanta
Nene Leaks Cooning Housewife of Atlanta has become bigger than life. Her persona as the loud, outrageous, in-your-face black woman has made her a household name. Unfortunately, she is mean, angry and just plain ignorant. Nene is a racist person’s dream because he can use her as an example of why black women are inferior to white ones. Despite her designer clothes and big home, Nene Leaks cooning plays up the sterotype.
Entertainment veterans like the Wayan brothers will often tell you that Hollywood execs loves stereotypes, especially of black people. They believe these types of images sell and in some ways they are right. The masses tend to flock to movies like Big Momma and Madea’s Family Reunion. Nene appears to have figured this out. During the first season of RHOA, she was popular because viewers liked her down-to-earth behavior. However, by the end of the second season, she was one of the most talked about stars of RHOA because she acted naughty, like a ghetto fabulous diva. The more she rolled her eyes, the bigger her fan base grew. Now, she’s in full effect and sparking Internet clicks because of her appearance on Celebrity Apprentice. Her turn for the worse really helped her get the kind of exposure most young starlets yearn for.
Moral of the Story!!! Coons make big bucks!
Most black reality stars are coons. That’s just known. Why would any healthy-minded black person allow a white person to embarrass them, especially on national television? The display of self-hatred is disgusting.